Build your career with B&NES
If you want to make a positive difference to people's lives and grow as a professional, B&NES is a great place to work.
What our staff say...
- "Joining a council for the first time and realising the difference and impact that the services we provide had on people in my own community was a real eye opener. I knew I would never work for another type of employer again. "
Chantal, Organisational Development Business Partner
- "The most rewarding part of my job is seeing changes being made by children, young people and families. It's great to see children settled in permanent placements, and enjoying good relationships with caregivers. "
Sarah, Safeguarding and Quality Assurance, Social Care
- "This job with B&NES is the best I have had. It's just ten minutes from home, I can maintain a great work/life balance, and the team I work with is dedicated and amazing. "
Jan, Administrator
- "I value the respect with which my ideas are listened to. I appreciate the very high practice standards of the Adult Mental Health team, and this is why I came to work here. I have found B&NES to be a very respectful, approachable and positive employer. "
Natalie, Senior Social Worker
- "I relish my team's ability to find solutions in the best interests of the wider community... The positive feedback we get from the public is testament to the team's hard work. We are here to serve our community... and the greatest joy of the job is seeing a positive outcome and enjoying the environment we have helped shape. "
Rich, Planning Team Manager
- "I enjoy shaping the place where I live and negotiating the best outcome on a Planning application. I think my work is important. This prompted me to apply for the job, but it has also developed while working here, as it's a great place to be a planner. "
Samantha, Planning Development Manager
- "The most rewarding part of my job is the co-operation and support the team provide to each other, and the way they always go the extra mile. They are committed to making a difference to people's lives, and this is evident in the work they deliver. "
Lesley, Safeguarding and Quality Assurance, Social Care
- "I've really enjoyed working as part of a genuine team, to achieve goals which are important to local residents. My role has evolved. This has led to all sorts of new opportunities. "
Becky, Adult Social Care
- "I had heard that working for B&NES would be a good experience, but it has surpassed my expectations. I love working in such a great team atmosphere, seeing the staff achieving their potential and delivering great services with passion and conviction. "
Martin, Corporate Director
- "I've had a number of opportunities to learn and enhance my skill set, which has been invaluable in my customer-facing role. My line manager and team are incredibly supportive. We have regular supervision and professional development meetings, to address skills needs across the team. "
Carol, Future Bright Career Progression Coach
- "Flexibility is linked to trust, and I have noticed, as a manager, that my staff perform better, knowing that the council is flexible around their out of work commitments. The ability to work at home is fantastic, and it means that I can work anywhere. "
Rich, Planning Team Manager
- "I'm based in Keynsham Civic Centre. The building is fantastic and looks stunning. I really like the way we have hacked the space. It wasn't quite right for the team, so we moved things around and have really made an area that we can collaborate in. "
Tim, IT Project Manager
- "Working for B&NES has exceeded my expectations. The main surprise for me has been how willing people are to try new things. "
Tim, IT Project Manager
- "There is a real positive, 'can do' attitude to getting the job done to the highest standard. "
Steve, Team Leader, Parking
- "Flexible working is a huge bonus for me and my role. I live in Bristol, so I get in early and am able to leave early, to avoid delays. I have a young child, and knowing I can work from home when needed is a massive positive, and takes away a lot of stress. "
Claire, Business and Growth
- "I find working for the greater good of the community, by maintaining and enhancing trees in public spaces, is worthwhile and rewarding. "
James, Tree Inspector
- "As a manager, I really enjoy watching members of the team grow and develop. There's nothing more satisfying than seeing people learn new things and really take to them and own them. "
Tim, IT Project Manager
- "I have the chance to work in a range of different locations, including at home. I work in a modern office some of the time, in a more traditional office and also in a heritage venue. "
Jackie, Human Resources
- "My job here has offered me a chance to use existing skills in a totally new way. It's certainly broadened my horizons in terms of what I think I'm capable of, and what I might do next. "
Kate, IT Services
- "B&NES compares very well with other employers I've had, especially with regard to staff well-being and support. The council is outstanding in its ethos on people in their working environment. "
Victor, Refuse and Recycling
- "I hadn't worked for a local authority before, and have found the culture very positive and inclusive - I like the community orientation and professionalism. "
Kate, IT Services
- "I've always wanted to work for local government because I believe that what we do is important - we don't always get it right, but we are listening to what people want. "
Jackie, Human Resources
- "I really value the flexibility to work autonomously. The trust has proved invaluable to achieve successful outcomes in my role. The environment is calm, clean and allows professionals to work efficiently and effectively. "
Carol, Future Bright Career Progression Coach
- "Being located in the centre of Bath is fantastic. It is a great city with a lot going on, alongside its beautiful Georgian architecture and town planning. Comparing this to working on a business park somewhere makes all the difference when out on your lunch break. "
Chris, Planning Services
- "Flexible working helps me achieve a positive work/life balance. Working from home removes the stress of commuting, and gives me back time in my work day. The flexibility means I can work around my life, rather than basing my life around work. "
Tim, IT Project Manager